Thursday, May 1, 2008

Poems & Prose

I penned this one when I was at my lowest, it inspires me nevertheless and I hope it will inspire each lovely one of you, too..Cheers!! :)

Be the Sun

Dream a Life
While you are still young
Give it all your might
Never wavering once
Obstacles will arise without fail
But those who meet
Success are the ones
Who continue to persevere
No matter what turns life takes
Remember the promise you made
As a small bubbly child
Never to get defeated
Thought your efforts may fail
Go out like the sun
Charging every life you meet
Like the free birds
Spread your wings
Flow like a never ending river
Break out of all your fears
For you have but one life to live
Spread joy, spread sunshine
Live every moment
With all your might
And remember it is true
Hope gives us joy
To live a life full !!

On Life

Osho on Life: ( These lines I could identify with and absolutely loved)

"Life is for the courageous. The coward only vegetates. The coward goes on hesitating,and by the time he decides, the moment is lost. The coward only thinks to live but never lives, thinks to love but never loves. And the world is full of cowards. The coward has a basic fear, the fear of the unknown. He keeps himself within the boundaries of the known, of the familiar."

"Courage begins when you step beyond the boundaries of the known. It is risking-it is dangerous. But the more you risk, the more you are. The more you accept the challenge of the unknown, the more integrated you become. It is only in tremendous danger that the soul is born; otherwise the person remains just the body. For millions of people the soul is only a possibility, not a reality. Only a very few courageous ones have been soul-full."